Category Archives: media

“New” Belize Amateur Radio Club Admitted to IARU Membership


International Amateur Radio Union
P.O. Box 310905
Newington, CT 06131-0905 USA
Email: secretary @

11 May 2017

For immediate release

“New” Belize Amateur Radio Club Admitted to IARU Membership

The member-societies ofthe International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) have approved a proposal to admita new representative of the radio amateurs of Belize to IARU membership. As ofthe deadline for voting, 9 May 2017, 77 member-societies had voted in favor ofadmitting the Belize Amateur Radio Club (BARC) with none opposed. There were no
abstentions. The affirmative votes of 55 member-societies were required forapproval.

Belize previously wasrepresented in the IARU by another organization of the same name. Once the IARUAdministrative Council determined that this earlier organization no longerexisted, IARU Region 2 accepted an application for membership from the new BARCand confirmed that it satisfied the requirements of the IARU Constitution andBylaws.

The officers of BARC are:

Emil Rodriguez,V31ER, President

Dr. Andre T.Scholz, V31DL, Vice President and IARU Liaison

Steven Harp, V31SH, Secretary

Contact information:


Address: PO Box159, Belmopan, Belize, Central America

Telephone: +501601 6282

Email: see listingat

There are now167 IARU member-societies in as many countries and separate territories.

BARC Clarifies Recent Press Release From IARU

San Ignacio

June 3, 2016

A recent press release issued by the International Amateur Radio Union that may have caught the interest of some of our members has been clarified.

The statement made in the IARU Press Release that “BARC does not exist” refers to a previous entity that called itself the Belize Amateur Radio Club, which has been dormant since at least 1993. As an administrative procedure the IARU issued the press release to the public so as to inform them that the previous entity calling itself the Belize Amateur Radio Club is not recognized as a functioning organization within the regional union.

The “old” Belize Amateur Radio Club has therefore been dissolved and is not recognized. Along with the dissolution of the “old” BARC, any obligations that may have been incurred or outstanding to the IARU have also been struck out.

Within the same Press Release an invitation has been extended to any group of Belizeans who may want to submit an application for a “new” club under the guidelines and procedures of the IARU.

A “new” BARC, registered as a non-government organization under the laws of Belize and having obtained sufficient membership, has been in correspondence with the IARU since its official activities commenced in September 2015. The “new” BARC seeks to gain official recognition and affiliation with the IARU so as to better serve our members and extend our membership base; especially with young people of Belize.

We are confident of our objectives and we hope this clarification of the IARU Press Release that was an administrative procedure is well received by our members and the radio community.


Elementary Students Deploy School SSTV CubeSat from ISS

Students from Saint Thomas More Cathedral School (STM), located in Arlington, VA, have developed a Slow Scan TV ( SSTV) CubeSat and is set to be deployed from the International Space Station ( ISS) on March 7, 2016.

STM students designing antenna to receive data from STMSat-1 – Credit STM

STM takes pride in what is thought to bet the first Elementary school to devise their own satellite. The project consisted of Pre-Kindergarden, Kindergarden and First Grade students being involved in this milestone.

This satellite, a 1U CubeSat called STMSat-1, will transmit a SSTV Robot36 mode signal on 437.800 MHz.

Middle School Students took the initiative to begin the exploration on how to receive data from the CubeSat and thus a Ham Radio Club was formed. As a result of the club, they learned the basics of operating a Ham Radio Station and explored the field of Slow Scan Television as an option for receiving images from this satellite.

Its a wonder… How did 400 Grade School Students build a Nano Satellite?

Possibilities for Belize….


Belize’s PUC at IARU Course

Amateur Radio Administration Course

The Mexican Federation of Radio Amateurs (Spanish: Federación Mexicana de Radio Experimentadores or FMRE) along with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and the International Amateur Radio Union Region 2 (IARU R2) are conducting the Amateur Radio Administration Course (ARAC) for regulators this week in Mexico City. The opening ceremony was presided over by Lic. Rafael Eslava Herrada, Head, Concessions and Services Unit of Mexico’s regulator, the Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT).

Regulators from the Public Utilities Commission of Belize and Mexico’s IFT are attending the course. The objective of the course is for regulators to be able to help create, administer and foster an Amateur Radio Service among the citizens of one’s country. The focus of this course is designed for those who regulate and manage the Amateur Radio and it is being taught in both English and Spanish.

Topics included: Organization of ITU and IARU; Nature of Amateur Radio Services; ITU Radio Regulations; Amateur Radio Activities and allocations; How society can benefit from Amateur Radio; National Licensing and regulations; Amateur radio examinations; Emergency Communications; Satellites and the Amateur Satellite Service; and Electro Magnetic Compatibility, among others.

From left to right: Pedro M. Colín (IFT), Patricia Huesca (IFT), Edson Calderón (IFT), Víctor Pinilla (FMRE President, XE1VP), Sharolyn Dougal (PUC/Belize), Andrew Robateau (PUC/Belize), Rafael Eslava Herrada (Head, Concessions and Services Unit, IFT), Jonathan Siverling (ARRL, WB3ERA), Alejandro Aldana (IFT), Roberto Navarro (IFT) and Ramón Santoyo (IARU Region 2 Vice President, XE1KK). (Missing from photo: James Aguilar (IFT). Photo by Tania Carmona.