CallSign | First Name | Last Name | Status |
V31‐AA | Phillip T | Bautista | Expired |
V31‐AC | Andrew | Chambers | Expired |
V31‐AD | Karl | Evans | Active |
V31‐AF | Anabel | Ford | Active |
V31‐AH | Ralf | Juenemann | Expired |
V31‐AK | Jose Maria | Gene Torello | Active |
V31‐AL | Alvin | Craigg | Active |
V31‐AM | Hanns ‐ Peter | Ermert | Active |
V31‐AR | Allen | Reneau | Active |
V31‐AT | Robert | Brandon | Active |
V31‐AU | Manuel | Tellaeche Bosch | Expired |
V31‐AX | Paul | Cragg | Active |
V31‐AY | Ismael Martinez | Vizcarra | Expired |
V31‐BB | Steven P. | Downard | Active |
V31‐BF | Blake | Finley | Active |
V31‐BG | Brianna | Ferguson | Active |
V31‐BL | Peter A | Bergman | Active |
V31‐BN | Robert E | Nauta | Active |
V31‐BP | Brian L | Pease | Expired |
V31‐BS | Bernie | Sperley | Expired |
V31‐BW | William | Wallace | Active |
V31‐BX | Erwin | Barsch | Active |
V31‐BZ | Monika | Scholz | Active |
V31‐CC | Vernon | Berry Jr | Active |
V31‐CD | Craig | Nagels | Expired |
V31‐CH | Carolyn | Hernandez | Expired |
V31‐CK | Desiree E | Parkinson | Active |
V31‐CL | Charles | Lamb | Expired |
V31‐CM | Casey | Miller | Active |
V31‐CN | Mikhail | Zavarukhin | Active |
V31‐CO | Robert | Sauvan | Active |
V31‐CP | Steven Todd | Sherwood | Active |
V31‐CQ | Scott | Davis | Active |
V31‐CS | Collin T | Sherwood | Active |
V31‐CW | Alex | Tkatch | Active |
V31‐CX | Clancey | Blair Ellingson | Expired |
V31‐DA | Larry | Smith | Active |
V31‐DD | David | Lardizabal | Active |
V31‐DJ | Walton L. | Stinson | Active |
V31‐DK | Mary | Stinson | Active |
V31‐DL | Dr. Andre T | Scholz | Active |
V31‐DM | Randy F | Smith | Expired |
V31‐DN | David | Magee | Expired |
V31‐DR | David B | Ritchie | Active |
V31‐DS | David | Sarkozi | Active |
V31‐DX | Hernan | Urbina Jr | Active |
V31‐EC | Eric | Burson | Active |
V31‐EE | Mark G | Obermann | Active |
V31‐EK | Tyler | Burrows | Expired |
V31‐EM | Uwe | Danzinger | Active |
V31‐ER | Emil | Rodriguez | Expired |
V31‐EZ | Roger R. | Bisby | Active |
V31‐FA | Alan David | Slusher | Active |
V31‐FF | Edward T | Gisske | Expired |
V31‐GB | Glenn | Belkin | Expired |
V31‐GI | Egbert | Jvd Berg | Active |
V31‐GM | Michael | Glauser | Expired |
V31‐GW | Gisela | Hoffmann | Active |
V31‐GX | Iain | Haywood | Active |
V31‐HD | Joel | Block | Active |
V31‐HE | Andreas | Adler | Active |
V31‐HH | Hezron | Hernandez | Expired |
V31‐HL | Helen | Lamb | Expired |
V31‐HQ | BARC | Active | |
V31‐HT | James Damian | McSorley | Active |
V31‐IM | Heinz Martin | Schmiedel | Active |
V31‐IT | Madison R | Jones | Active |
V31‐JA | Jeremy F | Alexander | Active |
V31‐JC | Jonathan | Chang | Active |
V31‐JM | Juan Pablo | Munoz | Expired |
V31‐JN | Jeffrey | Nagy | Active |
V31‐JO | Lauren D | Libby | Active |
V31‐JP | Julio | Pasos | Active |
V31‐JR | Javier | Rejon | Expired |
V31‐JS | Jeffrey S | Sperley | Expired |
V31‐JW | James | Westfall | Expired |
V31‐JX | Joseph | Schoebel | Expired |
V31‐JZ | Arthur M | Phillips III | Active |
V31‐KC | Denice | Plummer | Expired |
V31‐KD | Raymond D | Bautista | Active |
V31‐KE | Cheryl M | Sherwood | Active |
V31‐KI | James | Jopson | Active |
V31‐KK | Stephen A | Ikler | Expired |
V31‐KN | Daniel Reid | Wheeler | Expired |
V31‐KO | Uwe | Dowidat | Active |
V31‐KP | Crystal Iona | Popish | Expired |
V31‐KR | Robert L | Conder Jr | Active |
V31‐KV | David | Carmichael | Active |
V31‐KW | Steven | Walz | Active |
V31‐LC | Timothy D | Parkinson | Active |
V31‐LK | Lynn | Grant | Active |
V31‐LS | Lawrence A | Sylvester | Active |
V31‐LW | Lee A | Ward | Active |
V31‐LY | Cadyn | Hernandez | Active |
V31‐MA | Marc | Missalla | Active |
V31‐ME | Breanna | Wartenbe | Active |
V31‐MF | Mario Ingo | Kricheldorf | Active |
V31‐ML | Ullrich | Renoth | Active |
V31‐MM | Jim | Millner | Active |
V31‐MP | Martin | Pask | Active |
V31‐MS | Mark | Allen | Active |
V31‐MY | Christian | Dobmeier | Active |
V31‐NA | Joseph | Bennett | Active |
V31‐NH | Peter F | Friesen | Expired |
V31‐NI | Keith I | Adams | Active |
V31‐NK | Joel | Wartenbe | Active |
V31‐NS | Illiana | Niebrugge | Active |
V31‐NT | Don | Niebrugge | Active |
V31‐OK | Michael Clive | Newton | Expired |
V31‐OU | Stephenson | Ballah | Expired |
V31‐PD | Daniel | Stutzman | Active |
V31‐PF | Larry | Smith | Active |
V31‐PL | Gian | Hernandez | Active |
V31‐PM | Alex | Schmitt | Active |
V31‐PO | Ward | Wheaton | Active |
V31‐PS | Philipp | Springer | Active |
V31‐QV | Maik | Reckeweg | Active |
V31‐QX | Keith | Mahler | Active |
V31‐RK | Robert N | King | Active |
V31‐RL | Lucky | Read | Active |
V31‐RP | Robert | Payne | Active |
V31‐RS | William R | Simpson | Active |
V31‐RU | Alexandra | Gasior | Active |
V31‐RW | Judie R | Bautista | Active |
V31‐SA | Slawomir | Ambroszkiewiez | Active |
V31‐SD | Abram F | Dyck | Active |
V31‐SH | Steven Ray | Harp | Expired |
V31‐SM | Stephen | Maddy | Active |
V31‐SN | Julian | Ba | Active |
V31‐SO | Ronda LeAnn | Wheeler | Expired |
V31‐SS | Anthony | De Prato | Active |
V31‐SU | Robert | Henderson | Expired |
V31‐TA | James Hugh | Placilla | Expired |
V31‐TF | Torsten | Fechner | Active |
V31‐TG | Juan Carlos | Munoz | Active |
V31‐TP | John T | Patterson | Active |
V31‐TT | Trevor | Tucker | Active |
V31‐TX | Oliver | Hartmann | Active |
V31‐US | Ulrich | Schack | Expired |
V31‐VC | Rosalindo Ruben | Coc | Active |
V31‐VI | James | Zimmerman | Expired |
V31‐VP | Victor Mac | Paul | Active |
V31‐VQ | Jay N | Rogers | Active |
V31‐VR | Dave | Johnson | Expired |
V31‐VV | Victor | Vernon | Active |
V31‐WB | Douglas | Seyler | Active |
V31‐WC | Christopher | Williams | Expired |
V31‐WG | Joseph James | Granica | Active |
V31‐WH | William | Hein | Expired |
V31‐WI | James | Fitzpatrick Jr. | Expired |
V31‐WK | Keith Charles | Witney | Active |
V31‐WO | Chuck | Beck | Active |
V31‐WP | Thomas Mitchell | Wright | Active |
V31‐WS | Warren L | Slagell | Active |
V31‐WU | Travis J. | Williams | Active |
V31‐WW | Clay | Stahlka | Active |
V31‐XE | Joseph E | Terry III | Active |
V31‐XL | Paul | Gordon | Active |
V31‐XT | Mark | Mueller | Active |
V31‐XX | Wilbert | Kiollenbaum | Active |
V31‐YB | Robert L | Church | Active |
V31‐YK | Gunter | Henning | Active |
V31‐YN | Gerd R | Sapper | Active |
V31‐YP | Jared Alan | Popish | Expired |
V31‐ZA | Keith | Slater | Active |
V31‐ZQ | Benjamin Philipp | Richter | Expired |
V31‐ZV | Paul | Kammeyer | Active |
V32‐AW | Aleah K | Webner | Active |
V32‐BH | Brissett Emely | Hernandez | Expired |
V32‐CS | Crisencio | Sho | Expired |
V32‐DJ | Darrel Lee | Joy | Active |
V32‐EM | Enrique Garcia | Munive | Expired |
V32‐EP | Eric Daniel | Pierce | Active |
V32‐KE | Aldisha T | Zuniga | Active |
V32‐KK | Solia | Sanchez | Active |
V32‐KQ | Zelda | Sowinski | Expired |
V32‐NJ | Reyna Selena | Ba | Active |
V32‐PC | Patrick | Canto | Active |
V32‐PE | Auxebio | Sho | Active |
V32‐SK | Alejandro | Baki | Active |
V32‐VC | Valeriana | Coc | Expired |
All posts by barc
Online Beacon Reporting
From now on, it is also possible to make reception reports online for the new beacons from BARC.
A form is available for this purpose at
The new Amateur Radio Framework
The new Amateur Radio Framework for Belize will be published shortly. PUC has worked closely with BARC since the first draft in 2022 on the design and formulation. The feedback from BARC was essentially taken into account. The most recent changes were the frequency usage for the two license classes in Belize, and we hope that our recommendations will be followed.
10 m Beacon on Air – 28.258 MHz V31HQ/B
Joseph Terry, V31XE, as BARC’s beacon representative, has started operating a 10 meter beacon on the frequency 28.258 MHz with the call sign V31HQ/B in coordination with the international organizations.
Reception confirmations can be sent to beacon @
The next step will be the launch of a 6 meter beacon.
Andrew Robateau 15 years at PUC
From PUC:
Our go to Radio & Frequency guy, a very important part of the team AND recently presented with an Integrity Award by his peers. Help us celebrate Andrew as he completes 15 years with us.
Thank you and Congrats Andrew!
Andrew Robateau – Specialist, Telecommunications
Bachelor of Engineering, Electrical
Special Focus: Communications & Electronics

Belize License Exams now available
The exams for obtaining a Belize Amateur Radio License is now available (Technician & General).
Please visit the PUC's website at the link below to obtain the document which explains the exam procedure and topics to be studied.
The test pool of questions is also made available at the link. These are the actual questions that will be used on the exam.
It is advised that applicants reference the actual study manual to know the content being tested.
Please contact PUC to make an appointment to take the test. Test fee is BZ$20 per level.
Andrew Robateau
Monitoring & Compliance Officer - Telecommunication
Public Utilities Commission
41 Gabourel Lane
P.O. Box 300
Belize City, Belize
Tel: (501) 223 4938
Fax: (501) 223 6818
Handbook about Amateur Radio
Belize / BARC on the cover of
“New” Belize Amateur Radio Club Admitted to IARU Membership
International Amateur Radio Union
P.O. Box 310905
Newington, CT 06131-0905 USA
Email: secretary @
11 May 2017
For immediate release
“New” Belize Amateur Radio Club Admitted to IARU Membership
The member-societies ofthe International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) have approved a proposal to admita new representative of the radio amateurs of Belize to IARU membership. As ofthe deadline for voting, 9 May 2017, 77 member-societies had voted in favor ofadmitting the Belize Amateur Radio Club (BARC) with none opposed. There were no
abstentions. The affirmative votes of 55 member-societies were required forapproval.
Belize previously wasrepresented in the IARU by another organization of the same name. Once the IARUAdministrative Council determined that this earlier organization no longerexisted, IARU Region 2 accepted an application for membership from the new BARCand confirmed that it satisfied the requirements of the IARU Constitution andBylaws.
The officers of BARC are:
Emil Rodriguez,V31ER, President
Dr. Andre T.Scholz, V31DL, Vice President and IARU Liaison
Steven Harp, V31SH, Secretary
Contact information:
Address: PO Box159, Belmopan, Belize, Central America
Telephone: +501601 6282
Email: see listingat
There are now167 IARU member-societies in as many countries and separate territories.
IARU Emergency Telecommunications Guide
The latest version of the IARU Emergency Telecommunications Guide is available for downloading in PDF format from the webpage.