Category Archives: IARU
“New” Belize Amateur Radio Club Admitted to IARU Membership
International Amateur Radio Union
P.O. Box 310905
Newington, CT 06131-0905 USA
Email: secretary @
11 May 2017
For immediate release
“New” Belize Amateur Radio Club Admitted to IARU Membership
The member-societies ofthe International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) have approved a proposal to admita new representative of the radio amateurs of Belize to IARU membership. As ofthe deadline for voting, 9 May 2017, 77 member-societies had voted in favor ofadmitting the Belize Amateur Radio Club (BARC) with none opposed. There were no
abstentions. The affirmative votes of 55 member-societies were required forapproval.
Belize previously wasrepresented in the IARU by another organization of the same name. Once the IARUAdministrative Council determined that this earlier organization no longerexisted, IARU Region 2 accepted an application for membership from the new BARCand confirmed that it satisfied the requirements of the IARU Constitution andBylaws.
The officers of BARC are:
Emil Rodriguez,V31ER, President
Dr. Andre T.Scholz, V31DL, Vice President and IARU Liaison
Steven Harp, V31SH, Secretary
Contact information:
Address: PO Box159, Belmopan, Belize, Central America
Telephone: +501601 6282
Email: see listingat
There are now167 IARU member-societies in as many countries and separate territories.
IARU Emergency Telecommunications Guide
The latest version of the IARU Emergency Telecommunications Guide is available for downloading in PDF format from the webpage.
60m Band in Belize
Stations in the amateur service using the frequency band 5 351.5-5 366.5 kHz shall not exceed a maximum radiated power of 15 W (e.i.r.p.). However, in Region 2 in Mexico, stations in the
amateur service using the frequency band 5 351.5-5 366.5 kHz shall not exceed a maximum radiated power of 20 W (e.i.r.p.).
In the following Region 2 countries: Antigua and Barbuda,
Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Dominica, El Salvador, Ecuador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras,
Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela, as well as the overseas
territories of the Netherlands in Region 2, stations in the amateur service using the frequency band 5 351.5-5 366.5 kHz shall not exceed a maximum radiated power of 25 W (e.i.r.p.). (WRC-15)
A new Band Plan for Region 2 was approved
A new Band Plan for Region 2 was approved in October 14, 2016 during the XIX IARU Region 2 General Assembly in Viña del Mar, Chile and is now published on the IARU Region 2 website in English and Spanish versions.
The HF/VHF Committees were composed by 15 delegates to discuss 6 documents and annexes covering several proposals sent by ARRL, LABRE, RAC and informative documents from IARU Region 1 and the IARU Satellite Advisory Committee.
Brian Mileshosky, N5ZGT (ARRL) was the Chairman and Flávio Archangelo, PY2ZX (LABRE) was the Secretary of the HF/VHF Committees.
The changes aimed the harmonization with Regions 1 and 3, recognizance of some band occupations in Region 2 and the contextualization of the satellite segments to encourage the use of new technologies in space communications.
The main modifications in resume are:
– Introduction of the 60 m with sub-bands, footnotes and definitions harmonized with Region 1;
– The inclusion of ACDS in 2200 m, restriction of bandwidth in 630 m, harmonization of the 160 m and 80 m, especially on digital sub-bands;
– Recognitions of the calling frequency 144.3 MHz in 2 m and AM practice in 15 m;
– Editorial changes in the footnotes related to ACDS, additional footnotes related to AM and editorial changes in some of the footnotes, modes and bandwidths of satellites sub-bands.
The Band Plan does not have an enforcement power per se but serves as a guide to the Member Societies. According the IARU Region 2 Band Plan “it is suggested that Member Societies, in coordination with the authorities, incorporate it [the Band Plan] in their regulations and promote widely with their amateur radio communities”.
BARC Clarifies Recent Press Release From IARU
San Ignacio
June 3, 2016
A recent press release issued by the International Amateur Radio Union that may have caught the interest of some of our members has been clarified.
The statement made in the IARU Press Release that “BARC does not exist” refers to a previous entity that called itself the Belize Amateur Radio Club, which has been dormant since at least 1993. As an administrative procedure the IARU issued the press release to the public so as to inform them that the previous entity calling itself the Belize Amateur Radio Club is not recognized as a functioning organization within the regional union.
The “old” Belize Amateur Radio Club has therefore been dissolved and is not recognized. Along with the dissolution of the “old” BARC, any obligations that may have been incurred or outstanding to the IARU have also been struck out.
Within the same Press Release an invitation has been extended to any group of Belizeans who may want to submit an application for a “new” club under the guidelines and procedures of the IARU.
A “new” BARC, registered as a non-government organization under the laws of Belize and having obtained sufficient membership, has been in correspondence with the IARU since its official activities commenced in September 2015. The “new” BARC seeks to gain official recognition and affiliation with the IARU so as to better serve our members and extend our membership base; especially with young people of Belize.
We are confident of our objectives and we hope this clarification of the IARU Press Release that was an administrative procedure is well received by our members and the radio community.
Belize’s PUC at IARU Course
Amateur Radio Administration Course
The Mexican Federation of Radio Amateurs (Spanish: Federación Mexicana de Radio Experimentadores or FMRE) along with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and the International Amateur Radio Union Region 2 (IARU R2) are conducting the Amateur Radio Administration Course (ARAC) for regulators this week in Mexico City. The opening ceremony was presided over by Lic. Rafael Eslava Herrada, Head, Concessions and Services Unit of Mexico’s regulator, the Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT).
Regulators from the Public Utilities Commission of Belize and Mexico’s IFT are attending the course. The objective of the course is for regulators to be able to help create, administer and foster an Amateur Radio Service among the citizens of one’s country. The focus of this course is designed for those who regulate and manage the Amateur Radio and it is being taught in both English and Spanish.
Topics included: Organization of ITU and IARU; Nature of Amateur Radio Services; ITU Radio Regulations; Amateur Radio Activities and allocations; How society can benefit from Amateur Radio; National Licensing and regulations; Amateur radio examinations; Emergency Communications; Satellites and the Amateur Satellite Service; and Electro Magnetic Compatibility, among others.
From left to right: Pedro M. Colín (IFT), Patricia Huesca (IFT), Edson Calderón (IFT), Víctor Pinilla (FMRE President, XE1VP), Sharolyn Dougal (PUC/Belize), Andrew Robateau (PUC/Belize), Rafael Eslava Herrada (Head, Concessions and Services Unit, IFT), Jonathan Siverling (ARRL, WB3ERA), Alejandro Aldana (IFT), Roberto Navarro (IFT) and Ramón Santoyo (IARU Region 2 Vice President, XE1KK). (Missing from photo: James Aguilar (IFT). Photo by Tania Carmona.
Allocation at 60 Meters Showing Positive Progress Through WRC15
International Amateur Radio Union
P.O. Box 310905
Newington, CT 06131-0905 USA
FAX: +1 860 594 0259
E-Mail: secretary @
16 November 2015
The World Radiocommunication Conference 2015 (WRC15) is currently underway in Geneva. The WRC started 2 November and will conclude 27 November. Consensus has developed around a new 15 kHz-wide global secondary 60 meter Amateur Radio allocation at 5351.5-5366.5 kHz. Last week, Conference Working Group 4B agreed to the global secondary allocation, with power limits designed to protect primary services from harmful interference. The current compromise within WG4B making the allocation possible has also cleared Committee 4 but must clear one more level at the conference. The issue is not final until it does.
“While this is a positive step to a worldwide secondary amateur allocation at 5 MHz it is not yet final until it has been approved by the Conference Plenary” noted Tim Ellam VE6SH, President of the IARU. Ellam, who attended the first part of the Conference added “The 15 kHz allocation on a secondary basis is the result of significant compromise by a number of stakeholders in this portion of the spectrum. It will provide the opportunity for access to 60m for countries that do not presently have a domestic allocation.”
At the beginning of the WRC, a number of administrations and the regional telecommunications organization (RTO) representing Russia and 10 of its neighboring countries (RCC) were strongly and actively opposed to the new amateur allocation. After more than a dozen sub working group meetings, it became clear that the widest achievable allocation was 15 kHz and that a power limit in the neighborhood of 15 W effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) would have to be part of the package.
“It took all the effort and resources of the entire IARU-team to ensure this 15 kHz compromise and to persuade some administrations to abandon their no-allocation position,” said IARU Vice President Ole Garpestad LA2RR.
In other WRC-15 developments, a possible agenda item at the next WRC for an amateur allocation at 50 MHz in Region 1 cleared its first hurdle. A proposed agenda item to align the 160 meter allocation in Region 1 with the rest of the world was not likely to be accepted, however.
The International Amateur Radio Union WRC Team is headed by IARU President Tim Ellam VE6SH and Vice President Ole Garpestad LA2RR. In addition, the following amateurs were a part of the IARU WRC Team: Reinaldo Leandro YV5AM, President of IARU Region 2 and Faisal Al-Ajmi 9K2RR, Vice President of IARU Region 1.
A number of other amateurs were part of the IARU WRC Team while serving on a national delegation: Colin Thomas G3PSM, Hans Blondeel Timmerman PB2T, Ken Yamamoto JA1CJP, Bryan Rawlings VE3QN, Tafa Diop 6W1KI, Don Wallace ZL2TLL, Dale Hughes VK1DSH, Flávio Archangelo PY2ZX, Ulrich Mueller DK4VW, Brennan Price N4QX and Jon Siverling WB3ERA.
IARU hosted a small reception at the WRC on November 10 which was attended by a number of delegations and ITU senior leadership including ITU Secretary General H Zao. Attending the reception and participating in part of the WRC were IARU Region 1 President Don Beattie G3BJ and Dave Sumner K1ZZ. Sumner attended on behalf of the IARU International Secretariat.
IARU made arrangements for an emergency communications trailer to be on site during the first part of the Conference. IARU International Coordinator for Emergency Communications Hans Zimmerman HB9AQS/F5VKP worked with IARU member society DARC and NOTFUNK Deutschland to provide for a communications trailer and antenna system that showcased amateur radio emergency communications abilities and was located in a high traffic area at the Conference facilities. Zimmerman was on site to explain the use of amateur radio to delegates.
The IARU team continues to follow a number of agenda items which may impact the amateur services especially a possible WRC-19 agenda item for an allocation to accommodate small non-amateur, non-geostationary satellites.
A later news release will be distributed at the conclusion of the WRC.
The photo attached below shows IARU International Coordinator for Emergency Communications Hans Zimmermann HB9AQS/F5VKP observing preparations for the emergency communications display at WRC15 in Geneva.
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